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A simple contact database that's free for life.

PC Display showing OscarOnline free contact database snippet
Who is the free version for?

Our free contact database is for businesses that currently have their contacts in Excel spreadsheets. It doesn't have any bells and whistles - it simply lets you get all your contacts in one place where everyone in your business can access them. It has a fast search and your contacts can be easily exported to Excel whenever you want.

What can the free version do?

The free contact database will let you put all your customers and prospects in one place. It also enables you to categorise your contacts how you choose, track marketing sources, assign opt-outs and find contacts quickly! These features help with GDPR compliance and provide the first step towards using a business system.

OscarOnline free contact database snippet on tablet display
Mobile display showing OscarOnline free contact database snippet
Why is it free?

Our hope is that by using the free version, and seeing how user friendly OscarOnline is, you'll eventually want to take advantage of the features in the paid version. However you are under no obligation to ever take the paid version and we don't impose any time limits on using the free version. All we ask is that you use it!

You can have up to 10 users on the free version of OscarOnline and up to a maximum of 100,000 contact records